Bio fertilizer, bio fuel, lignin, wood lignin, coal pitch
Released on = November 22, 2005, 6:58 am
Press Release Author = NIKKOM
Industry = Environment
Press Release Summary = We looking for cooperation
Press Release Body = We offer the technology of energy using of sewage treatment as fuel briquettes and generator gas. There is a method of sewages sludge's utilization. The inputs products are - sewage treatments, wood and other bio combustible waste products, and output are fuels briquettes and generator gas. With helping of this technology can be made from sewage treatment of city with half-millions population about 6.28 MWt/h the heat and 3 MWt/h the power energy. We can offer you coal pitch of the enterprises of Kuzbass (Russia) Whether you can send required characteristics for pitch? In what packing for you it will be convenient to buy this product? What prices of you interest? We want to propose for you pellets and briquettes of lignin wood. The sizes (diameter) of our products can be variable and lei between 5 mm and 120 mm. The fuel factory is built in Archangelsk region therefore a chance exist to transport this biofuel with a ship. We have not a deficiency of row material because this region has very developed woodworking industry. From beginning of the year 2007 a planned productivity of the factory will be 2000 t/month. Because of a changeable content of biomasses, the cost of briquettes and pellets will be appointed after combustion analysis and amounted to 48 Euro/tonn (FOB Arkhangelsk). This is possible to reduce the aforesaid cost. We have opportunity to make non-polluting organic fertilizer from chicken and cow manure in volume more than 20000 tons per one year. A place of loading is the Black Sea. There is an opportunity to adjust manufacture near coasts of Pacific Ocean. If you have to this interest we are ready to cooperate with you. We also can offer a ready factory of manufacture of these fertilizers with special technology. For more information
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Contact Details = in Germany Baranov Michail Birkenallee 1 b 53913 Swisttal tel. +49 (0)2254 600865 fax. +49 (0)2254 847698 in Russia ZAO NIKKOM \"pr-d Solomenoj storogky\" street, h. 12 125422 Moscow professor Lury Valerij Tel. /fax: +007 095 564 9384 e-mail:
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